
  • 5 Large Pain au Chocolate
  • 250g Whipping Cream
  • 160g Eggs
  • 50g Sugar
  • 200g Milk
  • 5g Vanilla Extract
  • 2g Nutmeg Powder
  • 2g Cinnamon Powder
  • 15g Rum
  • 2 Tablespoons Softened Butter


Step 1.

Pre-heat oven to 165°C in ‘Fan Mode’ and fill the baking tray with water.

Step 2.

Whisk eggs, vanilla extract, nutmeg powder, cinnamon powder and sugar with the MultiTalent 3 Food Processor.

Step 3.

Add milk and cream to the concoction in step 2. Mix the ingredients well and set the mixture aside.

Step 4.

Brush the muffin pan with butter and cut the Pain au Chocolate into pieces. Place the pieces of Pain au Chocolate onto the muffin pan.

Step 5.

Strain the egg mixture with a sieve, and add rum to it.

Step 6.

Pour the mixture on the Pain au Chocolate till it reaches the rim of the muffin pan.

Step 7.

Bake the Eggnog and Bread and Butter Pudding in the oven for 20 minutes.

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