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100ml Chicken Stock 20g Coriander 1kg Chicken / Beef / Mutton (As Preferred)
200ml Vegetable Oil 20g Ginger 1 Teaspoon Chilli Powder
1 Cinnamon Stick 100g Carrots 2 Tablespoons Curry Powder
2 Egg Yolks 100g Garlic 4 Tablespoons Water
5 Cloves 200g Red Onions To Taste Salt
5 sheets Frozen Puff Pastry (Store Bought) 300g Chad Potatoes To Taste White Pepper Powder

1. Methods

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C using 4D Hot Air mode.

2. Cut chicken thigh into smaller pieces, before roughly mincing them with the MaxoMixx handblender.

3. Season the minced chicken with chilli powder, curry powder, salt and white pepper powder and set aside.

4. Peel and cut carrots and chad potatoes into small cubes.

5. Blend red onions, garlic, ginger and coriander together until a paste is formed.

6. Stir fry carrot and potato cubes in vegetable oil for 2 - 3 minutes and set aside.

7. In the same pot, add in and stir fry the paste, cloves and cinnamon stick for 5 – 8 minutes, until the mixture turns fragrant and brown.

8. Remove the cloves and cinnamon and add in the marinated chicken mince and chicken stock. Simmer for 10 minutes until chicken is tender and cooked.

9. Add in potatoes and carrots and mix well.

10. Mix 2 egg yolks and 4 tablespoons of water to make egg wash.

11. Cut puff pastry sheets into 10cm squares and scoop 1 tablespoon of filling into each square.

12. Brush the edges of the squares with egg wash, fold them into half and seal them with a fork.

13. Space out pastries on an oven tray lined with baking paper. Brush the top surface of the pastries with egg wash to achieve a crispy texture.

14. Bake for 8 – 10 minutes and serve hot.

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